
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dear Friends,

We are so thankful to God for all that you do in visiting your befriendee on a regular basis. We know the impact and difference it makes to their lives, we rejoice in hearing the stories and feedback from our clients on a regular basis.

As a board of trustees we have spent time thinking and praying about our response to the current issue of the Coronavirus situation in our country. Today we specifically asked God to direct our thoughts and give us wisdom. After having researched and contacted NHS England, had a lengthy conversation with a current practising GP who gave invaluable advice and having had the advice confirmed from one of our trustees we believe God has led us to this decision.

Due to the age range of the people that we visit and the vulnerability of many of our clients in their current state of health we feel it is right to take the following course of action for the foreseeable future.

From today Please do not visit your befriendee in their homes
Make alternative arrangements to continue your befriending ie telephone befriending, skype, facetime, text
Reassure your befriendee that we will continue to befriend them and support them but we wish to protect them also.
Assure them of our prayers and any practical support that we may offer
If you can please pop around with flowers or put a card through the letterbox.
If you see your befriendee remember to stay 2 mtrs (6ft) away and keep the conversation brief.


Crisis – Fatigue Information