Our Story

Befriended was born out of a desire and passion to make a difference in the lives of isolated and vulnerable people. We are based in West Sussex and currently support and befriend lonely and isolated people in Mid Sussex.

What makes the difference to each of them is the gift of time, a friend, someone to be there for them.

For many years Gail was acutely aware of the epidemic of loneliness, not so much, at the time amongst older people living in Mid Sussex but definitely among people who were marginalised in society. With a small group of friends from local churches, the subject became more and more discussed and became an issue that needed a response.

After a lot of research, it became apparent that there was a huge need in the very locality where they were all living. Gail took up the baton to champion the Church leaders, raise awareness and began to gather a small group of passionate people to form the Charity Befriended. In 2017 Befriended was launched, commissioned by the then Bishop of Lewes, Right Honourable Richard Jackson attended by lots of older people, many church leaders, councillors, dignitaries and the Mayor. We had many people sign up to be volunteers which led to the start of our face-to-face befriending scheme.

From the outset Befriended has heavily relied on the goodwill, generosity and commitment of volunteer time and expertise. All of the management, leadership and development of befriended was done on a volunteer basis from 2017 until 2021. The charity was established with a trustee board representing numerous churches in the area.

The first priority was to establish a face-to-face befriending scheme, with volunteers visiting their clients on a regular basis. What then grew was the opportunity to provide events bringing people together to enjoy food, fun and friendship. Throughout the year Befriended Events would take place including Christmas Day for those with no family –.

Over the next couple of years Befriended grew its reputation and client base as well as establishing itself within the Befriending charity world.

In 2020 all our lives were impacted by the onset of the Pandemic. Befriended took the swift decision to suspend our face-to-face befriending in order to protect both our clients and our volunteers. But it was also apparent that the need would be ever greater due to many of our clients not having any family connections or support to maintain contact with them. With some intense work, our Telephone Befriending Scheme was launched using our 0300 772 7703 number. This attracted not only many new clients but also willing volunteers. We also launched Befriended Buddies, an intergenerational project encouraging school children to write letters, draw pictures and send postcards to our older generation.

During the pandemic Gail completed a bereavement counsellors’ course, researched the causes and consequences of loneliness and isolation and wrote a book – grief conversations published by Bible Reading Fellowship.

In 2020 we launched Befriended Bereavement Support through running the firstly online bereavement journey course and then in 2021 we led the bereavement journey course face to face.

In 2020/21 we launched our acts of kindness with cream teas in a box, easter in a basket, Christmas in a bag

The year 2021 was to become the year of change within the charity:

A new Patron came on board – Bishop Ruth Bushyager – Bishop of Horsham
Three new Trustees – Nick Baldwin, Janice Gott and David Chewter
The first employee appointment – Gail Millar became the CEO of Befriended
Employing Gail as the Chief Executive was not only to be a big step for the charity financially but also to have a huge impact on our practices, policies, procedures and plans. Within the first few weeks, Gail did an audit of all aspects of Befriended and found that a lot needed to change so within the first few months everything was addressed, scrutinised and made much more efficient.

A vision was shared with the trustees, a plan of action was put in place, new services were dreamed of, and a restructuring of the operation was actioned.

Tackling Loneliness and isolation needed a multipronged approach especially after the pandemic. Older people who had been engaged in social activities, had been living independent socially active lives were now fearful, less mobile and insecure. Many had sadly deteriorated mentally, physically, psychologically and emotionally. Many had lost loved ones and were now trying to adjust to life on their own. The main causes of loneliness are bereavement, change of health, change of living circumstances and change of social circumstances. Befriended began the mission of addressing these issues.

In October 2021 we launched Monthly Afternoon Tea Parties welcoming people to come together on what is the known to be as the loneliest time in the week – Sunday afternoons.

In November 21we launched our chaplaincy service and four Anna Chaplains were licensed by Bishop Ruth Bushyagar.

In May 22 we launched Befriended Balance – a falls prevention exercise class

In November 22 we launched our response to the cost of living crisis – Befriended Blankets. We raised thousands of pounds to buy thermal blankets and give them away to keep our older people warm during the winter.

In April 23 Gail Millar CEO of Befriended was awarded the Coronation Champions award by the King and Queen of England for her services to the community with an invitation to Buckingham palace garden party.

In August 23 we launched Befriended bus trips with our first outing to Chichester theatre to see The sound of music.

In September 23 we launched Befriended Community choir

In October 23 we launched our Bereavement café

In April 24 a new Befriended bereavement course was launched – Compassionate conversations

In 2021 Befriended had 24 regular clients and around 100 other clients, in 2024 we have over 500 clients attending our activities.

The story continues to unfold….