befriended was born out of a desire and passion to make a difference in the lives of isolated and vulnerable people. We are based in West Sussex and currently support and befriend lonely and isolated people in our local area.
What makes the difference to each of them is the gift of time, a friend, someone to be there for them.

Who Needs Us?
Roy and Jane, an elderly couple, downsized into their new home with no family nearby. Having lived in the same community for many years not knowing anyone in their new environment was isolating and strange. Within a couple of days they were exhausted, alone, and anxious not knowing where or who to turn to.
Paula has recently given up her job to become a full time carer for her dad who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. She is missing the company from her work colleagues and finds the loneliness and the new responsibilities overwhelming at times.
George lost his wife a few years ago. At first he continued meeting socially with his friends and joining in with activities in the local area, but now that his health has deteriorated, getting out is a struggle and frankly, it’s sometimes too much of a challenge for him.
There are people like Roy, Jane, Paula and George in all our local communities.
One hour a week of your time can make all the difference to them. Could you Volunteer, Give or Pray to help us?
We are working in partnership with national charity Linking Lives UK.